Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

00 SSD - EN - The Team

Distributed team with experts in a network organization

Sibren works with a core team consisting of experienced experts. For the online chain, from website idea to programming, SEO and Content Control, the team members have their own company based on their specific expertise. So they are experts with up-to-date practical knowledge who can work well together.

All projects are coordinated by Sibren van der Burgt and he is the hub and point of contact. He develops the (business) strategy and concepts personally with the customers.

The virtual team consists of Dutch-speaking professionals who unlock the disciplines within the Convince Customers Faster concept, supplemented by international experts.

  • Webdesigner / UX
  • Font-end developer
  • CraftCMS3 and Wordpress back-end webdeveloper
  • Designer/dtp'er
  • Search Engine Optimalisation expert Qonvert.com
  • HTML content controller: news messages, blog posts, press releases
  • (apps)Programmeur HTML5, PHP, javascript
  • Virtual Assistants

Team members work physically throughout the Netherlands and abroad. We work and coordinate completely via the internet, and the expert can also take a physical seat at the table. The organization of projects always runs through the team leader, Sibren van der Burgt.


  • quality in various fields
  • speed: experts know the pitfalls
  • scalability
  • international: we serve customers worldwide
  • depth and up-to-date professional expertise
  • flexibility: the team can vary on a project basis
  • expert is also physically available 'at the discussion table'

Other expertises

In the communication profession, cooperation is essential to guarantee quality and speed. That is why we are constantly 'spotting' the best suppliers of printed matter, programming, hosting, copywriters, filmers, photographers and other disciplines.  


It goes without saying that we are constantly scouting for the best applicable electronic, online and social resources in the area of ​​innovation. We work and are 100% digital minded.