Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

General ConvincingCheck

Free Convincing check for your website, marketing or brand

How convincing is your Marketing Communication?

Convincing the customer and stakeholders is not that easy. There is no complete blueprint for the perfect (online) marketing. Good design makes the brand more attractive for your market. But overdesigned content that has 'corporate' too much characteristics will not be read.

Betting on brand recognition yields difficult to no measurable results in the short term. However, working on your brand is important because a strong brand bridges the gap between various social channels. And it makes your company culture more visible and recognizable. Employees feel more connected to the brand and it is easier to recruit new employees.

A few extra expert eyes

Ok, but back to the check: how do you know if you are doing well and how you can do it better? That is possible with a fresh look from an expert, an outsider.

It has a broadening effect if you use the attention and experience of an expert and see where your profit points are in marketing communication.

The advantage of someone with a lot of experience is that they see what is missing or can be done much quicker and much faster. The expert needs little background information, so it doesn't cost you time and effort.

Discover what you don't know yet

There are 3 types of Checks:

  • Convincing Website Check
  • Convincing Marketing & Communication Check
  • Convincing Branding Check

With the Check you get a new perspective on:

  • what goes well
  • the blind spots
  • potential areas for improvement

Of course you decide what you do with the results. The most important thing is that you have a little more knowledge of the current marketing / communication situation. And thereby make better decisions.


You can order a Convincing Check from € 397 ex VAT.

Wasn't it FREE?

The following serial entrepreneurs receive the Convincing Check for free:

  1. Head count from 5 to 30 and / or
  2. Turnover from 3 million

There are 2 free Convincing Check available every month.

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