Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Sterke merkbelofte

Remove barriers

Strong brand promise lowers the purchase threshold

In addition to appealing products and services, the customer also asks for recognition and guarantees. The Brand Promise is a powerful tool to convince the customer to take the next step.

The Brand Promise stems from the biggest threshold that the customer experiences in combination with the strategic advantage that your organization has. You do not come up with a brand promise, it is logically chosen and is supported by core competencies and corporate culture.

What do you encounter?

  • Too often customers choose conculegas while their offer is no better
  • You do not know at what point you can best convince your customer
  • Marketing is messy and you send confusing messages to your customers

Why a sharper brand promise?

  • You better help the customer with buying your product or service
  • You use promotion optimally to convince customers faster
  • You know how to manage marketing better
  • Strengthens your brand, makes it more powerful

See the BrandPromise-case >

What are the benefits?

  • The powerful appealing promise in text, supported by images
  • Handles and clarity which marketing message to use
  • Inspiration for customers and employees
  • Leads that become customers faster

What do we do?

  • Find the right words to touch your customer's heart
  • Investigate the most important barriers through a fixed method
  • Even sharper where your company is really good at

The powerful brand promise is realized with an active method in 2 half-days. That is possible in our studio or at your office.

I'm interested, now what?

Schedule an inspirational conversationor contact us to discover how a Strong brand promise removes the most important barriers to purchase for your customers. 

Continue to examples of realized websites


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