Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Betere customers

Use your competencies to deliver more value

Work with the right profitable A-customers only

By sharply filtering your customer file and attracting the right profitable customers in a smart way, you can get more profit and enjoyment from your existing core competencies. We start with a number of workshops in which we strengthen and use your added value:

  • Why it is important to approach your core customer with a plan
  • Who exactly is that core customer and why does it cost a lot of resources to see all customers
  • With which added you will really convince the core customer
  • What will your (online) seduction strategy be?
  • What does the customer requirement look like?
  • Which most important decision moments will you organize with persuasion actions in text, pixels and design?
  • What do you need to realize it?

After the workshops you will have a plan with action points that will give you years of growth pleasure, and which will provide you with a better connection with your A-customers.

Growth comes from the customer, which is why it is important to have the Customer Focus and conviction strategy in order. With text, pixels and design you can inspire and seduce your customer. The prerequisite for being able to seduce properly is that you stand out with something unusual, something that you do differently and better than others. But that alone is not enough, you must also use the unusual strategically.

  • Can the employees identify the added value in one sentence?
  • Is it clear to whom you offer what and in what way?

Growth starts with the uncommon offering. We find it the most effective sustainable way to drive growth without additional investment. Marketing guru Robert Bloom, CEO of Publicis Worldwide, has been using this growth method for years. In doing so, he starts from the hidden benefits and the focus on the core customer. We support you to become world-famous among A-customers that enable the growth of your organization. The guide figure is 15% more turnover.

View how you can turn abstract services into products and sell them more easily

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