Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Projects and sprints

Start with a project or sprint 

Make a big sprint with your most important theme 

You want to tackle something on marketing (strategy), web or graphic design. You have seen one of the themes and have been inspired to continue.

Characteristics of a project

  • The starting point is clear and you can describe it concisely
  • It is clear what must be delivered
  • You may already have an idea or direction for a solution
  • The delivery date is known
  • The budget is known

Characteristics of a sprint

  • The starting point is clear and you can describe it concisely
  • It is not yet clear which solution is needed
  • You are open to solution directions that arise during the sprint
  • You know for sure that you get the highest value from the available time
  • The delivery date is known
  • The budget is known

I'm interested, what now?

1. There is no project description yet

Is the project not clear enough or is there not enough support for your plans internally? And would you like to come to a good and inspiring project description or business case without hassle.

Start with a Scope and goals discovery workshop >>

2. There is already a good description

Do you have an idea or project and do you want to continue quickly? Then let's get started and tell about the plans.

Start with an inspirational interview >>
or call +31 23 540 61 80

Or would you prefer a new website?

If you want a secure website with marketing and design, then visit ConvinceSite.com. We have a special web team with design, front end and back end. We use CraftCMS, the super user-friendly and technically top-notch and super-safe system.

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