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utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Convincing content

Sep 17 2019

Convincing content. You can achieve a lot with it, but it is quite a "difficult thing".

Content often plays an important role in the persuasion strategy. When I look at myself, I quickly consume 5 articles and 40 social / daily statements / comments. These are direct messages from companies / contacts, so without the intervention of standard media.

At the same time, I see companies - including myself - struggling with the time investment you need to regularly create good content for your A customers. And what does it deliver? That also requires a considerable time / money investment to be found exactly.

Is it justified to use so many resources on content marketing?

Exactly the reason that a customer has decided not to use the content seriously anymore, but to have an assistant / intern solve it. Stay visible on LinkedIn, but without a content plan and low profile.

Right choice of that customer? I think so. For now then. As long as they still have enough new customers via other routes.

Hap-snap marketing without a real plan hardly works.


Geschreven door: Sibren van der Burgt

Sibren van der Burgt

Na een studie aan de Kunstacademie in Den Haag heeft Sibren van 1996 tot en met 2004 bij de top-ontwerpbureau's van Nederland ervaring opgedaan met corporate klanten zoals NS, ABN-AMRO, Rabobank en Visa. In 1996 had hij de eerste website al in de lucht op sibren.nl.

Met zijn digital design-minded achtergrond helpt hij sinds 2005 bedrijven in de (software) technology, financial markets en maakindustrie om hun diensten on- én offline makkelijker te kunnen vermarkten.

Het team van de ontwerpstudio ontwikkelt samen met de klant een klant-overtuigings-strategie én realiseert de praktische invulling hiervan met marketing en design.

Meer over Sibren >

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