Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Habits are useful, but also a pitfall..

May 22 2023

Over the years, professionals become better at their craft. The executive Directors, CEO and other executives are also becoming more experienced in what they do.

This is achieved by developing habits and being curious about getting better, gaining more knowledge and more effectiveness in execution by yourself or others. And suddenly it’s just 10 or 20 years later: another step higher, even better and keep the company going steady. It’s a good way to advance your business and yourself as a leader, tapping into the inspiration needed to move forward.

The enormous advantage of a lot of experience is that you get many things done as a matter of course, where you really didn’t know 10 years ago how you could ever succeed. The big disadvantage of a lot of experience is that you no longer see things, the habits and routines are already so deeply ingrained that you no longer even realize how valuable that experience and expertise are.

That is where communication and marketing often go completely wrong; experts communicate at such a high level and with a great speed about the latest developments and challenges in their field and products, that customers become completely lost, no longer understand. Where is the added value for the customer, what exactly can the customer achieve with the company, products and expertise?

A step back, clear formulation of the real customer value at the moment gives the customer the acknowledgment of their problem. And the confidence that you are the right party to help that customer in this. And that fact that you can offer much more high-level expertise; you better park it for a while..

Geschreven door: Sibren van der Burgt

Sibren van der Burgt

Na een studie aan de Kunstacademie in Den Haag heeft Sibren van 1996 tot en met 2004 bij de top-ontwerpbureau's van Nederland ervaring opgedaan met corporate klanten zoals NS, ABN-AMRO, Rabobank en Visa. In 1996 had hij de eerste website al in de lucht op sibren.nl.

Met zijn digital design-minded achtergrond helpt hij sinds 2005 bedrijven in de (software) technology, financial markets en maakindustrie om hun diensten on- én offline makkelijker te kunnen vermarkten.

Het team van de ontwerpstudio ontwikkelt samen met de klant een klant-overtuigings-strategie én realiseert de praktische invulling hiervan met marketing en design.

Meer over Sibren >

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