Expand your business on size, scope and profit

utilizing the Convincing Power Principles

Shed diversification ventures that no longer serve your strategic vision

Feb 28 2024

Bloomberg today about dropping Apple Car:

"In this era of cost-cutting across the tech business, the Apple Car was a distraction that could no longer be justified, not when the needs of AI must take priority, with Apple seen as a laggard."
"The large margins Apple enjoys on its hardware could not possibly be replicated, and the ordeal of putting a vehicle into production would have daunted even Tim Cook."

Diversification is a necessity for survival in today's cutthroat market. It's the key to fortifying :

  • your company's foundation
  • outpacing competitors
  • seizing strategic positions

Yet, it amplifies complexity and demands substantial investments, potentially becoming a pathway to failure.

Read the article at: https://bloom.bg/3wyMVGS

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Use #ConvincingPower smartly

Geschreven door: Sibren van der Burgt

Sibren van der Burgt

Na een studie aan de Kunstacademie in Den Haag heeft Sibren van 1996 tot en met 2004 bij de top-ontwerpbureau's van Nederland ervaring opgedaan met corporate klanten zoals NS, ABN-AMRO, Rabobank en Visa. In 1996 had hij de eerste website al in de lucht op sibren.nl.

Met zijn digital design-minded achtergrond helpt hij sinds 2005 bedrijven in de (software) technology, financial markets en maakindustrie om hun diensten on- én offline makkelijker te kunnen vermarkten.

Het team van de ontwerpstudio ontwikkelt samen met de klant een klant-overtuigings-strategie én realiseert de praktische invulling hiervan met marketing en design.

Meer over Sibren >

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